16a: From a one-person experiment to a universal ombuds network. Implementation of ombuds institutions in Polish higher education
Anna Cybulko (Poland), Magdalena Miksa (Poland)
The aim is to present the historical development of the ombudsperson institution in Polish higher education, from the experimental establishment of the first ombuds position at the University of Warsaw in 2011 to the establishment of the ombuds network (Academic Safety and Equity Network) in 2022. The sources and motivations for the implementation of this institution (with particular focus on the role of the Warsaw Resolution, the ENOHE Innsbruck Descriptors and the Communique of the European Higher Education Ministers' Rome Conference) at the level of national policy and individual university decisions will be presented. There will be discussed different types of institutional empowerment, responsibilities and forms of reporting that make up the whole mosaic of institutions that fit into the broadly defined concept of ombuds. Together with the participants, the advantages and disadvantages of the different solutions will be discussed, as well as the possibilities of influencing the shape of the ombudsman institution from below.
Anna Cybulko: Ombuds of the University of Warsaw
Magdalena Miksa: Deputy Ombuds of the University of Warsaw
16b: Networking as an Instrument for Improving Ombudsman Work - the Example of the Network of German Ombudsman Offices
Helga Nolte (Germany)
Networking means exchanging information, experience and procedures in specific areas of work as well as maintaining collegial contacts. The work of ombudspersons is characterized not least by a high degree of confidentiality in the content of their work, which in itself excludes or at least restricts exchange with others. The example of the German Network of Ombuds Offices shows how the exchange of experience not only creates a comprehensive and broad body of knowledge, but can also lead to a strengthening and continuous improvement of ombudsperson work.
Helga Nolte: Head of Ombuds Office