3a: Actual actions to improve relationship with student representatives at the Carlos III University of Madrid
EmilioOlías Ruiz (Spain)
We will present the regular meetings we do with the Student Delegations. Annual meeting, organized by student representatives. Periodic meetings with the representatives in the different Campuses of the Carlos III University of Madrid (Getafe, Leganés, Colmenarejo and Madrid-Puerta de Toledo).
Tailor-made meetings to discuss specific issues of interest to student representatives in relation to their studies.
Participation of student representatives in the Commission for the Advice of the University Ombudsman, in which, currently, there are two student representatives in a Commission made up of six people. The other four people are representatives of the teaching staff and administrative staff.
Emilio Olías Ruiz: Ombudsperson at University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain, since May 2018.
Professor on Electronic Technology (since 1996) in the Department of Electronic Technology at Carlos III University of Madrid.
His works have been published in international magazines in the field of renewable energy, such as Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics or Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
Previously he was Dean of the School of Engineering (2004-2012), Deputy Dean of Industrial Engineering and First Deputy Dean of the School of Engineering (2000-2004). He was also Head of the Department of Electronic Technology (1999-2000).
3b: Building mutual trust: ombuds cooperation with the students
Jan Galkowski (Poland)
There are two reasons why building by an ombudsperson lasting relationships with people studying at the university is more difficult than building relationships with the employees. Firstly, within few years, the entire student population changes – students graduate and leave and new ones are enrolled in their place. Therefore, it is necessary to continually work on establishing bonds with the newly arrived students. Secondly, there is a greater number of students than employees, which means that reaching them with information about the ombudsperson’s actions requires more work. The proposed presentation is devoted to ways of building lasting bonds between the academic ombudsperson and the students.
Jan Galkowski: Academic ombudsperson