
2a: Integrating fairness into everyday ways of thinking

Martine Conway (Canada)

While ombuds focus on the concept of fairness, staff and faculty in administrative and academic departments may see it as one of many elements to consider in their busy schedule. The discussion will present two initiatives that used the Fairness Triangle to engage staff and faculty in fairness discussions related to their handling of student files. We will discuss the goals of the initiatives, approaches to generate interest from stakeholders, what worked well and less well, and lessons learned.


Martine Conway: Ombudsperson

2b: Taking a Step Back Into Action: How to Foster Student Agency in Higher Education Through Self-Advocacy and Empowerment

Navneet Chand (Canada)

Througha case study analysis of the actions undertaken by a 2017 municipal youth council in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the role of an impartial advisor in supporting student agency to involve themselves actively in governance restructuring efforts will be assessed for its relevancy and value to the work of an ombudsperson. In the face of great immediate need for student input and involvement in Higher Education Governance and strengthening relations with student representatives, this session highlights how ombudspersons are in the best position to embolden greater student agency towards these objectives.


Navneet Chand: Undergraduate Ombuds Intern

Last change: March 24, 2023 14:50 


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