Evaluation 1 ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** 8a: The contribution of the ombudsperson to higher education institutions  Daniel More (Israel)    Is the ombudsperson a foe or a friend to higher education institutions? The ombudsperson’s inquiries and recommendations may challenge or even impede the institut and its authority. I believe, however, its advantages, clearly outweigh the disadvantages: A. Reduction of tension: Students derive comfort that an objective and professional person examine their complaints, and should he deem those justified-would recommend to the instit accordingly. It reduces conflicts and diminishes hard feelings and tension. B. Communication: The Ombudsperson acts as mediator between the student and the institutio facilitate better communication between both parties. C. Deterrence: The very existence of an ombudsperson incentivizes institutions to consider students’ interests in their decision making.   D. Effecting changes in practices and regulations.    Presenter(s):  Daniel More: Ombudsperson of Tel Aviv University and former law professor at the universit 8b: The Value of the Ombuds' Narrative in Program Evaluations: Revisiting Larry B Hill's T Ombudsman (1977)  Natalie Sharpe (Canada)  Larry B. Hill’s “The Model Ombudsman” (1977) used a politico-anthropological perspective t the program's effectiveness in a complex bureaucracy. He examines the ombuds' casework app demonstrates its value in relationship building and policy reform. Hill’s systemic evaluat ombuds program "measure(s) the effects of the program against the goals it sets out to acc attempts to weight its potential costs in terms of the relationships to larger institution review:AA1978:80) As we use our ombuds' narrative to measure our qualitative and quantitat systemic reform, Hill’s seminal work is worth a revisit.    Presenter(s):  Natalie Sharpe: Director of Office of the Student Ombuds at the University of Alberta. She Graduate Ombudsperson, Undergraduate Ombudsperson and three ombuds student interns (two un one graduate). Natalie is also the Past President of the Association of Canadian College a Ombudspersons.  Natalie holds an Honour Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, a Master’s Degree in Political Certificates in Ombudsing, Mediation and ADR. She also teaches university courses on gende and work, women and unions, and ADR.